Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In the fall of 2013, the United Methodist Church of Anoka, Minnesota, used the book Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, by Rob Bell, in our "One Congregation, One Book" series for the year.  Seven groups were formed for discussion of the book, in a variety of times and venues.  Here are some pictures and highlights.

Some groups were traditional discussion groups, meeting in the church lounge or a coffee shop.
One group offered an opportunity for a creative, hands on approach, creating smash books on the themes of Velvet Elvis.

Children were not left out!  Jan Warren, a member of our Adult Spiritual Growth Team, created a Velvet Elvis curriculum that was enjoyed on Wednesday nights by children and families at our Northern Light site in Ramsey.


Monday, February 10, 2014

The videos we viewed last week for Small Group Leaders.

The first one is about the types of small group leader you don't want to be. The second is about confrontation in a small group: